Custom Converse has been relocated! Over the past 3 weeks I have had a new art studio built in the garden and had it fully kitted out with everything I...
Custom Converse has been relocated! Over the past 3 weeks I have had a new art studio built in the garden and had it fully kitted out with everything I...
Misty Eye
Yesterday afternoon I ventured off into town to find the new hmv store which was opening in Cambridge in order to give Aiden Grimshaw his very own Custom Converse.
Misty Eye
Yesterday afternoon I ventured off into town to find the new hmv store which was opening in Cambridge in order to give Aiden Grimshaw his very own Custom Converse.

Girlfriend Magazine
Australia's Girlfriend Magazine have put together a special One Direction Collectors Edition to coincide with One Direction touring Australia. They got in contact with me asking to include the One...
Girlfriend Magazine
Australia's Girlfriend Magazine have put together a special One Direction Collectors Edition to coincide with One Direction touring Australia. They got in contact with me asking to include the One...